Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Finishing Up

It's our final update for the whole project, and we have some great news to report!
Our event was a success, and we happily were able to collect TONS of costumes to donate. There were around 25 girls who came and participated. We taught a fun dance to the girls, who each brought a gently used costume for admission to the event. While the main focus of the event was the costumes, we introduced a little friendly competition to make it more enticing for the participants and selected one dancer to win a free private lesson. Each girl danced so hard that it was difficult to choose! We were very proud and glad that they were able to get a good experience out of something we worked very hard on.
We are currently in contact with another amazing organization that has expressed interest in receiving our costumes. Traveling Tutus is a charity organization located in Florida that accepts dance costumes from around the world and redistributes them to children in need, ranging anywhere from the United States to more diverse locations such as Haiti and Uganda. We spoke with the founder, and she helped us make a plan to ship our costumes to her in Florida, where she will then repackage and send them to children.
We had such an amazing experience with this project and are very proud of what we've accomplished.
Our amazing dancers performing the combo they learned.

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