Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Update: Our Instagram

Hey, all! Today, we created an Instagram page for our budding business, which we have appropriately named @5678forall. Please give us a follow. On this page, we plan to post pictures of our available costumes for sale and invite our followers to inquire on said costumes. In addition, we encourage them to donate any old costumes to us in exchange for an additional discount.

From this point, we will begin to advertise our Instagram boutique. We will share this idea with our friends, young dance students, and create flyers to put up around town in local stores. Katrina and I hope to increase our presence on social media, and further extend the word, hoping to reach a wider audience. In addition, we will encourage people to donate their costumes. We will start by donating our own costumes and asking our friends to do the same. Eventually, we hope to gain a large enough following and to have our followers donate some of their own costumes as well.

Additionally, we have decided to organize an event to spread awareness of our project and collect costumes as well as to provide young kids with a fun, dance-filled day. So far, we have created a flyer and reserved a date in the dance studio. When we pitched our idea to young dancers, there was an overwhelmingly positive response.

Ready to dance with us? Follow us on Twitter and Instagram... @5678forall


  1. I really think that you had a great idea because nowadays all the people use the social media, also they will spend less money in the costumes that they want and of course I will follow you in instagram for see all your new ideas.

  2. This is a really cool idea and I like how you're using social media to try and get attention for your boutique! A suggestion I had that you could maybe look into is if you wanted to get in touch with other instagram boutiques like yours that already have a wide fan-base and ask them to give you a "shout out" so you can rapidly gain some more followers.
