Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Just Getting Started...

Hi, all! This is our 20% Time project for Mr. Orre's Anatomy class. 20% Time is a self-regulated and researched project geared towards our own interests. We spend approximately 20% of our class time, which ends up being around 45 minutes a week, developing a project of our own choice. For us, this is a company we like to call, "5678 For All." With this project, we are aiming to answer the essential question: How can we create something that benefits underprivileged communities while at the same time emphasizes the importance of the arts, especially dance. Our project, which expands upon an idea we had in our AP Government and Economics classes, will be to create a platform for people to donate and purchase repurposed costumes at an extremely reduced rate. We chose this as we know firsthand the excessive costs of customized costumes and uniforms. Don't sacrifice quality because of price; get beautiful custom costumes from us! This project allows us to answer our essential question, as we are not only creating an avenue for dancers, actors, etc. from underprivileged communities to buy gorgeous costumes and feel confident on stage, but also making these arts more easily accessible. We hope to set up an "Instagram Boutique" account, where we will utilize the ever-growing social media platform to post pictures of our supply and allow people to inquire and purchase them through the account's Direct Messaging feature. We will regularly update our blog with facts and figures of our sales/follower count/what we've been doing. We hope to increase exposure and get the word out that this is a new option. Moving forward, we will create the Instagram page, collect costumes, and begin to clean and post said costumes. We can't wait to see where this project takes us! Love, Hayley and Katrina